"Quick shop"-function

By clicking on the "quick shop"-button (or "quick view") your visitors can get a quick impression of the product specs, without having to click through to the specific product detail page.

fe quickshop button

In the quick shop window, a compact view of the product is shown in an "overlay" window (where the background is dimmed). The main advantage here is a better user experience: visitors don't need to open a new page (this also saves page loading time), and they can place their order directly from within the quickshop window, and after adding to the cart they can then choose whether to stay on the overview page to continue shopping, or to proceed to the checkout for final payments.

fe quickshop modal

The cart will be updated automatically, and the new total amount is being calculated. This means also an improvement for the selling proces and adds to the conversion rate.

Note: This quick shop function is only meaningfull if the visitor doesn't has to choose product variants; these can only be shown on the product detail page. If this is the case, the add-to-cart button text for these products will be automatically altered in "go to product detail page" (instead of "add to cart").

For a complete overview of all product information visitors can then click to go to the product detail page.

The quick shop function can be activated via the setting "Show Quickshop:" (See 06a. PAGE TYPE: Catalog & Collection Page)

06a bo showquickshop
Activate the "quick shop" function only if not all your products have product variants.