Key theme features

  • homepage - building blocks
  • responsive typography: font sizes scale with browser view width
  • 404 page template design (better conversion)
  • visually marking items which are already in the cart
  • newsletter subscription popup (incl. layout variants)
  • masonry product grid with options to choose amount of "columns" and margin spacing between masonry items
  • cart preview (off cannvas), howing the cart content before going to the checkout
  • product variants: option to display available variants
  • categories: option to display sublevel categories (to give visitor additional insight in your catalogue)
  • filters (collection pages): optimised functionality and usability (clearing options per filter block, etc.) 
  • video: show feature video or video as background (homepage), and play product video (detail page) 
  • product prices: options how (if) to display currency
  • loaded with theme options like: progress bars

Conversion-aiding features:

Search page: if no search results are found, the page shows the product catgeories to help direct visitors back to the product category pages to (hopefully) continue shopping

404 page :

This special conversion-optimised template is designed to help visitors who landed on a non-existing page  (indicated as "404") back to relevant content; they can go back to the homepage (which is the default Lightspeed action for a  "404"), they can serach the shop, or they can shop via the product categories.