Header and footer

Some elements show up on (mostly) all pages, especially in the header and footer. The following fixed elements that are common on most pages and which are adjustable, are (apart from the usually adjustable elements like logo and cart icon):


  • USP messages (as slider at the top of all pages) directly to setting
  • display header ("sticky" with logo and cart, or not)


Settings header

USP slider:

This is an area to show your custom USP messages, maximum 3. They are shown at the top of all pages, horizontally. However, if the display gets smaller, they will automatically be displayed in a carousel.

To show your own USP messages, first you need to set up a translation key via  "Translations", 1 for each USP message. This is needed so that they can be set up for multiligual use. Setting up a translation key goes as follows (for USP #1):

  • In the back office, go to Content > Translations
  • Make a new translation key by clicking the green button (at the top), enter the name "USPmessage_1" into the "Key" input field (mind the use of capitals)
  • Leave the dropdown "Existing translation" empty (-----------)
  • Click on "Save"
  • In the next screen, at "Translations", you then enter the different translations for the USP texts, per language (depends on how many languages your webshop is offering)
  • Click on "Save & back"; the translation key with its translations is now stored.

Repeat these steps for the other USP messages (maximum 3), but then use "USPmessage_2" and "USPmessage_3" as translation keys.

Settings footer

Brand slider

The brand slider is displayed at the bottom of all pages (if used at all). This slider can show up to 10 brand logos max. (sorted alphabetically). This order  cannot be altered.


The hallmark images must be uploaded first via the backoffice, through the leftside sidebar menu "Files" (bottom). After you've uploaded the hallmark logo, you return to Design > Hallmarks; there you enter the hallmark name, plus the url to the hallmark website etcetera, and you link it through the green +icon at the top to the uploaded hallmark logo image.

Note: ensure that the hallmark logos are no larger than 60 x 60 pixels; this way you maintain a quicker loading webshop, and besides that it will look more professional visually.

Kiyoh and Webwinkelkeur widgets

By default these widgets are build in. The only thing you need to do, is activating them in the back office if you want to show them. These widgets will be displayed in the footer at the bottom, next to the Facebook and/or Twitter widgets (if activate). You can activate both (see example below), then they will be shown in a smaller column, or if just one of them is activated then the column is expanded.

04 fe footer socialmedia widgets
If activated, the Kiyoh and Webwinkelkeur widgets as displayed in the footer.

Kiyoh settings:

See 04f. FOOTER: Kiyoh Settings

scrnshot bo berlin kiyohsettings deThe setting for displaying the Kiyoh widget in the footer.

Webwinkelkeur settings

See 04h. FOOTER: Webwinkelkeur Settings

The backoffice settings for the Webwinkelkeur widget look like this:

scrnshot bo wwk settings de The Webwinkelkeur settings to show the widget (on all pages in the footer)

If you have different wishes for placement of these elements, customization is always an option; please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For example, Webwinkelkeur is offering extra possiblities to implement their widget, apart from the standard well-known options as widget or as floating "tab" left or rightside your webpages. More information on this you'll find on their Webwinkelkeur website.

Social media boxes

Apart from these review-widgets such as Kiyoh and Webwinkelkeur it's possible to also display the Facebook and/or Twitter widgets in the footer. These will be shown in one row in the footer. See for these settings page "Social media integration".

Company information/"Contact information"

See 04i. FOOTER: Contact Information

Your company information is shown in th efooter, at the bottom on all pages. Apart from your address and contact information, you can put your company mission statement or motto, for example.

04i fe footer companyinfoThe company contact info is displayed on all pages in the footer.

These data are coded as "microdata", with special "structured data" code that is used by search engines like Google to add extra information like your company info and display this in their serach engine result pages. We advise you gladly to enter your company contact information here with great care.

04i bo footer companyinfoThe backoffice settings for the company contact information microdata.

To display the company info text in all your webshop's languages, this is to make it multilingual, you need to make use of the translation feature in the Lightspeed backoffice; you can add these special translation keys by overriding the available translation keys like  "missionstatement" etc. to make it work. See "Add custom translations" for more information on this.