Custom translations
Add custom translations to your webshop (extend the multi-language experience of your webshop)
Because of the fact that it's not possible to automatically install custom extra translation keys that can be added to a theme, we decided to offer another way to make use of these extra translations inside our "Berlin" theme, to make sure all our added text headings and other instructional text (such as USP-texts, banner texts, mission statement etc.) can be translated in all the languages your shop is offering. To get these text elements translated, some extra steps are needed. On this page you'll find instrcutions how to do so. The result of this is, that you can achieve maximum usability /ease of use for your customers in all languages.
Add your custom translations
By default on several locations within theme "Berlin" code is added to offer multi-language translations for headings, USP texts etc. To make this work, you need to add a set of extra custom "translation keys" in the back office. How to do this is is explained as follows.

Override a translation
First thing to check if you want to use custom translations, is whether there's already a translation key available to use (and to override). To do so, click on the button in the top right corner, "Override a translation". There, you cab check in the dropdown field "Translation to override, if there already is a key to override. For example, if you want to ente ryour own USP text in the USP bar at the top of the page, if you type in "usp" in the dropdown field, you'll be taken to the 3 translation keys for our USP texts that start with the names "USPmessage_" are already available. Choose one of the USP meassages to edit it;
Enter your custom USP text and save to publish your USP text for the USP-bar at the top of the webpages.
Translation keys for theme "Berlin" that are already available in the default translation key list:
- Text (name label) as heading with main menu-icoon ("hamburger"-icon): key is Menu
- Text USP message #1 (header, all pages): key is USPmessage_1
- Text USP message #2 (header, all pages): key is USPmessage_2
- Text USP message #3 (header, all pages): key is USPmessage_3
- Main banner text (homepage, left): key is Main_bannertext_left
- Main banner text (homepage, right): key is Main_bannertext_right
- Heading for text widget sidebar: key is Sidebar Text Widget Heading
- Text for text widget sidebar: key is Sidebar Text Widget Body Text
- Name main menu item for blog: key is blog
- Heading "Show {number} of total {number}" (on product category page): key is Showing $1 - $2 of $3
- Button text "Go to productpage" (on product category page and quickshop window): key is Go to productpage
- Heading "Your selection" (heading text with filter on product category page): key is Your selection
- Heading at price slider (product category page): key is Price range
- Subheading "Set the price range to filter" (price filter on product category page): key is Set the price range to filter
- Label "Action": key is Action
- Label "Exclusive": key is Exclusive
- Mentioning of brand name "By (brand name)": key is By_brandname
- Tab name "Options" (product page): key is Options
- Tab name "Share" (product page, social media): key is Share
- Text at "Read reviews" on product page (in case of several reviews): key is Read $1 reviews
- Text at company contact information in footer: key is missionstatement
- Mouse text (tooltip) at buttons "Delete filter" (product overview pages): key is Remove this filter
- Mouse text at + button (number of ordered products, on product detail page and quickshop window): key is Increase
- Mouse text at - button (number of ordered products, on product detail page and quickshop window): key is Decrease
- Mentioning text: Page not found (404): key is Not found text
- Mentioning text: Title not found: key is Not found title
- Mouse text at scrolling to top button (bottom of the pages): key is Scroll to top
- Mouse text (Title-tag) category images (homepage): key is browse our $1 collection
Custom "translation keys"
Theme "Berlin" also has some custom translations that are not available in the list with default translations keys; here's how to use these translation keys with your own content:
Add custom "translation keys" and translations:
- In back office, go to Content > Translations
- Click on top of the page on the button "Add a custom translation"
- Under "Add item" you can add a new key(name), for example "blog"; please note that this keyname must match exactly with the keys that we used in our code. See below for a full list.
- Click on "Save"; in the next window you can then specify the translations per language.

List of translation keys (note: Capitals and/or lowercase!)
(Copy the yellow marked translation keys to the tab "Custom translation" in the SEOshop back office); at the moment there's only 1 translation key that's not available in the default dropdown field with translation keys, this could change later on):
- Text at "Read review" on product page (in case of 1 review): key is Read $1 review
Need help? We'll be glad to help you out. Call or mail us (without any obligation) on +31 (0)78 369 05 55 or mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.