icon lightspeedLightspeed platform

responsive typography

Theme "Copenhagen" features responsuve typography, meaning that font sizes scale with th ewidth of the browser view. On small devies headings and body copy will scla back to a minimum font size that you can set via theme settings. There are theme settings for hthe main H1 heading and for the body font size; the heading sizes in between H1 and boy will scale back accordingly automatically, to avoid having to set too many unnecesary theme settings.  

It uses "CCS locks" to make sure font sizes are kept between certain minimum and maximum values, o typ edoest get too small on small devices, or too bg on larhge displays.Very sofisticated, we think!

Theme settings

Body copy:

  • "medium" will render body copy on larger screen at 19px maximum, on small mobile devices at 15.8px.
  • "smallest" will render body copy on larger screen at 15.8px maximum, on small mobile devices at 12.8px.
  • "biggest" will render body copy on larger screen at 23.8px maximum, on small mobile devices at 20.8px.

All other sizes scale in between, according to this ratio. How text will show and how readable it is also varies per font, so please make sure to test thoroughly on different devices.